Dragging out the microarmour

The prospect of being able to do some micro armour gaming soon, has prompted me to look at my moderns for the first time since the move.. th...

Saturday, 10 August 2019

Dragging out the microarmour

The prospect of being able to do some micro armour gaming soon, has prompted me to look at my moderns for the first time since the move.. they need some renovation / finishing / re-basing but here they are (I suspect there is more kicking around somewhere.)

I missed these guys, looking forward to getting them organized for CWC or whatever system we end up playing


daveb said...

Make you realize how huge modern aircraft are.

grumbeast said...

It does.. although the helicopters in the bottom left are mi-6s and they’re pretty huge anyhow!

Codsticker said...

Awesome looking collection; I suspect you just made Nate's day!

Brandon said...
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