Dragging out the microarmour

The prospect of being able to do some micro armour gaming soon, has prompted me to look at my moderns for the first time since the move.. th...

Tuesday, 14 August 2007

British Challenger Squadron


I had some very old H&R Challengers that I thought I could spruce up with some drybrushing. Here are the results. I've included a few comparison pictures and once again, remember your seeing these far bigger than they actually are, using the 2ft rule they look great to me!

This is how they started

After some light drybrushing to pop out the green

dry brushed some black striping for camoflage

Barrel thermal sleeve and muddy tracks done

Final details added, for extra lunacy I've added some ariels using florists wire held in place with this handy jig :)
I also put a spot of blue on the optics and some simple markings. I've really got to get some 1/300 decals!

Final Product

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